A blog site dedicated to the elimination of rubbish and badly designed websites.
Published on July 12, 2004 By Mattiee In Welcome
I don’t know about you but I am sick and tired of rubbish and badly designed websites. That’s why I have started this blog, to finally expose the so called web designers for what they really are. So….if you know of any website that is an embarrassment post it here with a description of the website and why you think its rubbish. We will leave it up to the bloggers to give the final verdict, guilty or not?
on Jul 13, 2004
http://oh-dear.joeuser.com/ uses tables and looks horrible.
on Jul 13, 2004
I agree with you as I've come across some terrible websites in my time. But you have to remember the main function of a site is simplicity not all users are can use the web and depending on the site navigation should be simpl colours plain for those with sight problems and words small (no Tech). after all this in mind the designer then has to get the site coded to comply with new regs on W3C.
You should list some sites good and bad for people to compare .

Also check out some of the regs and standards now expected by webmasters at Link

Valid XHTML 1.0!

If you click on the img above it validates the site ( I wonder if joeuser will validate).
Have you created any sites and if so list them.

Seans SMS blog is operated by O2 and he only uses it to post funny images at the click of a button. Sean is working on his own site and will be finished soon. I'll post it when he's finished for you to judge.
on Jul 13, 2004
"Together we'll stop them" - is that because you dont have a chance by yourself. You are running a badly designed blog. Your pages arent valid, accessible and your not going to stop anybody!
on Jul 14, 2004
is that because you dont have a chance by yourself

Easy, now there Mr or Ms C (aka Anonymous User). Everybody's gotta start somewhere.
on Jul 16, 2004
I have to agree with the creator of this blog. There are an awful amount of bad websites around these days. Everybody seems to be a wannabe web designer these days. Regarding W3C lets face it if we all had our websites to this specification there would be a lot of boring websites around.

Clonmelchat, simplicity is not the main function of websites. If you believe that you will believe anything. Features, Content and usability are the main functions of websites.

I don’t understand why Clonmelchat felt the need to mention this Sean person. What has he to do with anything?

'C' What the hell are you talking about 'duaa!' How could anyone by themselves stop bad websites????? Of course this website isnt valid he did not design it this website is part of the JoeUser.com system the blog master of this blog would have no say and no control. By the way you should only press the 'Post Comment' button once.
on Jul 16, 2004
Weirdo!! Talking Crap
on Jul 16, 2004
Ok Ok everyone calm down. Everyone breath in and relax. First off I did not design this website. This came from the nice people at joeuser.com and I think it doesnt look too bad, does it?

Clonmeluser I havent designed any websites, at least none that made it to the www. I am mainly involved with intranet websites and work for a semi state body which will remain nameless. Even if I had any websites to show...... I wouldnt. It would be pointless as they would be slated even if they were perfect in every way.

Come on people I want to see some terrible websites!!
on Mar 09, 2006
I was not hitting at you but the w3c has a valid point. In response to "Regarding W3C lets face it if we all had our websites to this specification there would be a lot of boring websites around." W3c validation does not effect the look and design of a website but does make it harder to code. I'm not for w3c as it means I have to recode a site to pass but with a little efford you know what you created will be accessable to all.

Seans site was just an example and In knew if I linked to the site it would validate another research project I was working on. The main point of any website is getting it noticed after all whats the point in blogging if you have no readers and a website without any vivitors. "no links added today"